Sunday, May 10, 2009

My Mother's Day

I remember when I was growing up, I would try to do everything in my power to give my mom a great mother's day. I would get up early and start making her breakfast in bed. Make coffee for her and bring it up to her and sit with her and talk. When the rest of the kids would wake up I would find something for them to do so they would feel part of the breakfast in bed thing. The week before I would find the perfect gift and the perfect card to make her cry...and it would usually work! I would help my mom with the other kids and getting dinner ready and anything else she needed. I loved celebrating mother's day with my mom.

When I became a mom 4 1/2 years ago, I was so excited to be a mom. Even though Julia couldn't do anything, Brad would have a card for me signed in a silly way from Julia and a little gift. As we had Jade and the girls got older they would make pictures and help daddy make breakfast. It is the whole inocents of thier gifts and excitement from them that makes it so special. And as they get older I know they will try to make my day as special as they can.
But what I don't get is how to spend the day...Do we go to my moms and then to Brad's mom b/c they are our mothers day and have mine a little bit in the morning and then the rest of the day running around to mom to moms house. Our do we stay home and celebrate my mother's day and just do a phone call to our moms which isn't nice either. Or what if Daddy and the kids make a nice dinner for you...well daddy doing most of the work and me running after the kids and try to keep them out of the way while daddy prepares dinner for me

I love my mom to pieces and would still do anything in my power to give her a great day. I love seeing her and being with her. And for me, well I would never change a thing about being a mother. I love my girls. I love that they want me to put them to be and always need thier good night kiss from me. They love when I come home. They never want me to go. They love to go places with me, They love the cuddling on the couch just before bed. Even though they drive me up the walls most of the day and I lose my tempter with them, they still say I love you and they still call me mommy. Those priceless moments that are only for me, THEIR MOMMY.

I am so thankful to God that he blessed me we these two beautiful girls and it was just what I always wanted for my life when I was growing up so I guess, All my dreams have come true.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Mothers Day Amanda... I know it's hard to try to fit everyone in. Hope you were able to enjoy your day; I know Brad, Julia and Jade made it special in their own way! :)

