May was such a busy month with so many things....
1. Dan and Jenna's Wedding
2. Amy and Corey's Wedding
3. BG Club wrapping up for another year
4. Sunday School coming to a close for the summer
5. Ballet for Julia
6. Kids Day at church
7. VBS gearing up
8. VBS fundraisers going on
9. Wedding Preparations for Meg
10. Oh and then there is the daily routine with the girls, Brad's work, family matters and then all the other things that go with when you are a stay at home mom.
But with all the hustle and bustle of May brings the month that welcomes in summer. When I became a mom, summer holidays were just nothing special. It was still days at home with the kids which is normal.
But with Julia and Jade in school, ballet practice, BG CLUB, church meeting and all I am now looking forward to taking a break from the routines.
June is still busy but that is what I am use too and kind of live off of but the schedule kind of goes a little more low key...
Here are a few things I am looking forward to this summer.
1. No early mornings
2. VBS at Hillside
3. More BBQs with friends
4. Walks with the family in the evenings
5. Family Vacation to Brockville and Ottawa
6. Camping Trips with Wendy and the girls
7. and so much more that is not planned yet.
God is so Good and has blessed me with so much. I am so thankful we are able to enjoy it all.